Almost every area of the industry needs machines and tools with moving parts. Almost without exception, some lubrication technology is used to reduce machine wear. A separate part in lubrication technology is machine tools and their lubrication tasks.

One of the main activities of our company is to provide fluid management services (FM) related to these tasks. We offer a range of services from simple machine supervision to the complete installation of a complex service system in the operating area, all depending on the needs of our customers.

In addition, we undertake oil filtration and dewatering of charges for small and large lubrication systems. We can also do oil filtration on stored tanks and operating systems, independently of the machine by installing bypass filter circuits. The efficiency of the filtration can be controlled with our on-site oil purity measuring devices.

All three forms of water entering the lubricating oil can be removed with our vacuum dewatering equipment. We can check the water content in the oil with our oil water content testing equipment.

We also provide lubricant supply, especially for lubrication points with more special needs. Ilyenek pl. az üregelés, lefejtő marás, kemény fémek vágóolajai, nehéz üzemi körülmények között működő gépek kenésére alkalmas kenőanyagok.
We also undertake the development and testing of lubrication solutions for individual needs.